The Importance of Gender Inequality
Inequality between men and women is a social phenomenon that impacts people of all ages. It is important for all societies to value gender equality. However, some of the differences between the genders are cultural and empirically based.
When women and girls have equal access to education, they are more likely to be healthier, marry at a younger age, have children at a higher rate, and earn more money. This can help lift the world economy.
Gender equality also helps create a peaceful society. For example, a society that values women as equally as men is less likely to tolerate offensive comments, such as harassment, violence, or female genital mutilation. These forms of discrimination can be a major cause of violence against women.
The United Nations has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including one focused on ending extreme poverty and gender equality. Five years ago, the United States and many other countries committed to these goals. They aim to achieve this goal by 2030. Yet, large gaps remain around the globe.
In the United States, for instance, men earn an average of 74 cents for every dollar earned by women. According to the United Way of the National Capital Area, gender equality is not just about equal pay. An equal job opportunity also reduces the likelihood of poverty.
If we want to end global poverty, we must do more to help women and girls. That includes ensuring their health, promoting equal rights, and preventing violence against women. Achieving these goals is not an overnight process. But, if we continue to work together, we can achieve a fairer society.
In the US, for instance, women make up about 39 percent of the labor force. Despite this, they are often underrepresented in lower-level positions within an organization.
Although women are disproportionately represented in industries that are expected to face the greatest decline due to COVID-19, their jobs are 1.8 times more vulnerable than those of men. Women will need a seat at the table to ensure their voices are heard.
As the automation and robotics technologies advance, women are facing new challenges. Studies show that diverse workplaces are more productive. Equal job opportunities help a nation’s GDP. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always lead to equal incomes. Investing in women through stimulus programs can help.
However, despite this, the pay gap between men and women remains wide. This is especially true for mothers and caretakers. And, as women’s health issues increase, their incomes and their career commitments diminish.
Gender inequality is a global problem that will not go away on its own. It is a problem that will require cooperation among many stakeholders, including governments, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations. By working together to improve the quality of life for all, we can help lift the world’s economy and create more opportunity for the next generation.
When we invest in gender equality, we not only support the next generation but we also make our communities safer and happier. We can support a more just society by encouraging individuals to stand up against unconscious bias, joining a campaign, or backing companies that drive gender equality.