Strengthen Your Confidence – 6 Advantages of Being a Woman
While there is no shortage of sexism and misogyny around the world, women are actually quite powerful in many respects. They live longer, suffer less from illness and have many advantages that men don’t.
It’s no secret that being a woman can be tough. Women face gender bias, wage inequality and discrimination on a daily basis. The good news is that things are changing and it’s becoming more and more acceptable for women to be everything they want to be.
The world needs strong, confident women and we have a lot to offer!
1. Having a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat – Women have a much thicker and stronger layer of fat under their skin which helps them to retain heat and keeps them warm. Men don’t have this advantage and they tend to get cold more easily.
2. Being able to withstand pain better – Perhaps not so surprising considering that they have to endure childbirth, but women seem to have a greater tolerance of pain than men. A 2019 study from Canada’s McGill University found that men were more stressed and hypersensitive when exposed to new pain than women. This could be due to the fact that women are better at remembering painful experiences, whereas men forget them quickly.
3. Being better at analytical thinking – Studies have shown that women are more efficient at analytical thinking than men. This may be because the female brain has different parts that focus on processing and understanding multiple perspectives. This is a valuable skill in the workplace as it allows for more creative solutions and problem solving.
4. Half the risk of heart disease – The hormone oestrogen in women has been found to improve blood vessel function, reduce cholesterol levels and prevent fat buildup in the arteries. In the UK, women have around half as many heart attacks as men.
5. Only women can compete in rhythmic gymnastics – Which is a really cool sport that involves hula hoops.
Only women can compete in this crazy sport that involves hula hoops and it is an incredibly beautiful and graceful sport to watch. Plus, the costumes are super cute!
6. Being able to run for office – Historically, women have been a vital part of political leadership. Whether they are in Congress, at the White House or in local government, women have helped to shape our country and have made major advancements for all of us. It’s great to see more women running for office than ever before!
7. Owning a business – In the United States, women are more likely to own a small business. In addition to this, women-owned businesses can receive tax benefits such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
8. Being a role model – Women are often the most influential and inspirational role models in their communities. They are the ones who teach children and young adults about equality and fairness. In addition, women are also the driving force behind social activism and charities.