Sexual Violence – Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

sexual violence

Sexual violence is a crime that can harm people at any age. It can be committed by strangers, acquaintances, friends, family members or intimate partners. It is a complex issue that impacts many areas of life, from the victim’s well-being to the safety and security of communities. Research shows that any form of sexual assault or harassment has negative consequences for victims, the perpetrator and society. In addition, it is a common predictor of other crimes such as homicide, domestic violence and drug abuse (NSVRC, 2006).

The causes of sexual violence are multiple and intersecting and may be at the individual, cultural or structural level. For example, rape often has roots in discrimination and stereotypical expectations of gender roles for women and men. The underlying belief is that only men should act aggressively and that women should not be so active or assertive. Sexually violent experiences may also be a result of a person’s lack of knowledge about consent and sex. This is why it is important to educate people about consent and how to have healthy sex.

Many survivors experience a range of reactions to sexual violence, including fear, anger, sadness and shock. They may dissociate and feel like they are no longer in their body. This can lead to a variety of physical symptoms, such as somatic complaints (body aches and pains), difficulty sleeping, eating disorders, weight changes, trouble concentrating and heightened vulnerability to stress and anxiety. Survivors may also develop panic attacks, a sudden feeling of intense fear and anxiety that can occur in situations where there is no immediate danger.

Survivors may also struggle with the idea that it was their fault for being assaulted or that they didn’t say no enough. These beliefs can be especially hard to challenge when the perpetrator is a close friend or family member. People may also minimize the impact of the violence as a coping strategy. The size of the problem of sexual violence is difficult to quantify as it is underreported. The available data comes from police, clinics and surveys conducted by nongovernmental organizations. It is often compared to an iceberg where only the small visible tip represents cases reported to police or treated at medical settings.

As individuals, we can all contribute to sexual violence prevention by being prosocial bystanders. Bystanders are people who witness harmful behaviours and have the opportunity to help or do nothing. Bystander intervention involves using skills to positively influence the situation and can include creating a distraction, empowering the target of harmful behaviour to leave the scene, confronting the perpetrator directly or encouraging others to get involved. A number of resources are available for training people to safely intervene in a dangerous situation. For more information on the different interventions that can be taken to prevent sexual violence, see the Prevention Spectrum. By implementing interventions at each level of the spectrum, we can work towards the elimination of sexual violence. To learn more about the Prevention Spectrum, visit the NSVRC website.