How Gender Inequality Affects the Well-Being of People Around the World
Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment of people on the basis of their gender. While it’s a complex issue, it has a direct effect on the well-being of every person in society. It can include discrimination, stereotyping, and lack of opportunity. While a global effort has been made to address this issue, there’s still much work to be done to ensure equal rights for women and men.
Gender Inequality
A woman’s economic opportunity is severely limited in many countries. This includes the pay gap, where women earn less than men for performing the same jobs. Women also tend to be under-represented in industries that pay more, and they are often forced to take on the bulk of unpaid labor. This causes them to not have enough income to meet their basic needs, which can lead to malnutrition and poverty.
This is often a result of cultural and societal beliefs that place different values on male and female roles. Regardless of whether these attitudes are explicit or implicit, they are often a significant factor in the gender equality gap. In addition, the media is a powerful influence on gender stereotypes and can contribute to these inequalities. For example, in movies, the most popular characters are usually male and portrayed as either heroic or vile (Etaugh and Bridges 2003).
One way to measure the extent of gender inequality is by looking at literacy rates. This can capture the number of people who are able to read and write, which is an indicator of how well a society has developed. In general, more educated individuals are better positioned to constrain government behavior and strengthen democratic institutions.
Throughout history, governments and organizations have made progress towards gender equality. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been fast enough to close the gap. It’s time for greater commitment and bold action to accelerate progress on this issue.
Gender Inequality and Civil War
Research shows that gender inequality is a risk factor for internal armed conflict. This could be because more women are engaged in societal sectors, including politics, due to their higher education levels and activity in the workforce. This can help to limit the power of governments by adding more voices and influencing policy decisions (Bussmann 2007).
In addition, when religious freedom is restricted in a country, it’s been shown that gender inequality gets worse. This may be because more people are able to express their beliefs freely, which could mean that the underlying discriminatory attitudes of some individuals have been strengthened.
This list only scratches the surface of the ways that gender inequality affects people’s lives. Fortunately, there are many individuals who are working hard to make the world a more equal place. In addition, companies that value their employees can promote policies and practices that help to eliminate gender inequality. For example, they can have Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that provide a safe space for women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ employees to thrive at work. This can be a great way to improve workplace culture and increase retention of women and other marginalized groups.