What is Sexual Violence?

Sexual violence is any kind of unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that is not a result of mutual consent. Sexual violence can be very traumatic and can have many impacts on people. It is important for people to know what sexual violence is, so that they can understand it better and be more aware of the issue. It is also important for people to know that they can help and support someone who has been affected by sexual violence.

Anyone can experience sexual violence. However, some people are at higher risk of experiencing sexual violence than others. This includes women and girls, children, people with disabilities and those who are LGBT+. People who are homeless and people in rural areas are also at higher risk of experiencing sexual violence.

There are different types of sexual violence, including rape, domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. No one deserves or asks for sexual violence to happen to them. Sexual violence can be very traumatic for everyone involved and can have lasting impacts on the victim and their family. It can lead to mental and physical health issues, self-harm, low confidence, and difficulty trusting other people. It can also lead to relationship problems, including a lack of trust in partners and other close friends. It can also lead to substance abuse, eating disorders and feelings of shame or guilt. It can also lead to thoughts of suicide and feelings of anger or rage.

Not all sexual assaults and rapes will cause visible injuries, so it can be difficult for people to identify if they have been hurt. However, it is very common for victims and survivors to feel a range of physical reactions to sexual violence such as shaking, being sick or feeling pain in their body, head, mouth or chest. They may also have problems with their sleep or eating, and they might feel very tired. They might also have flashbacks or re-experience the sexual assault in their thoughts, dreams and memories.

After an incident of sexual violence, a survivor can have trouble trusting other people, especially after they have been betrayed in this way. Survivors can have feelings of anger or rage that they cannot explain and may withdraw from relationships with people they used to be close to. They can also be more impulsive, and they might have outbursts of anger or violence. They may have changes in their relationships with their parents and siblings, or they might start separating from them. They can be less caring and protective of their young children, and they may take a lot more risks than usual.

Researchers have different ideas about why people perpetrate sexual violence, including: anger, power, sadism, sexual pleasure, psychopathy and evolutionary pressures. Some rapists believe that their victim is a tool to debase and humiliate them and that sex and violence are the only way they can express their anger or rage.

Preventing sexual violence can be done by creating communities and environments where everybody is treated with respect and equality. This can be done by promoting safe relationships and healthy behaviours, identifying unsafe situations and learning how to intervene safely. It is everyone’s responsibility to take part in prevention, and this includes supporting survivors and challenging negative behaviour and attitudes.

Why Does Victim Blaming Occur?

When people victim blame, they often assume that the cause of a crime or trauma is either entirely or mostly the fault of the victim. They may say things like “She was asking for it” or “Boys will be boys.” Victim blaming silences survivors, making them less likely to seek help in recovery or report abuse. It also prevents perpetrators from being held accountable. Understanding what victim blaming is and why it occurs can help us recognize it, reduce its impact, and work toward a more equitable future.

Whether it is online, in person, or even in the workplace, victim blaming is widespread and harmful. It can make victims feel isolated, demoralized and ashamed of their experiences, especially if they are exposed to it in their social circles or within their professional communities. It can also discourage them from seeking professional help, which can make the effects of traumatic events worse.

Some research suggests that people who engage in victim blaming have low levels of empathy for others, which makes it difficult for them to understand how other people are feeling. They are also more critical of other people and do not consider their own feelings or perspectives when interpreting a situation. They often fail to see how their own actions could affect someone else’s life, and they are less likely to offer help when people are struggling (Idisis & Ben-David Citation2007).

Other studies have found that people who engage in victim blaming can be motivated by the belief in a just world. The just-world hypothesis is a psychological mechanism that allows individuals to maintain their inner sense of order and justice by rationalizing the presence of unjust real suffering by believing that the victims deserve what they are going through. This defense mechanism protects the observer’s moral self-image and enables them to avoid taking action against harm being committed by others (Lerner and Miller Citation1978).

Lastly, some research has shown that people who engage in victim blaming may derive enjoyment from it. This is called “sadism.” Individuals who score high on a measure of sadism were more likely to engage in victim-blaming and appear to take pleasure in watching other people suffer. This is also known as Schadenfreude (Hoffman et al. Citation2004).

In addition, those who engage in victim-blaming are more likely to be men, white Americans, older adults, and those with a higher level of education. They are also more likely to be liberal and have a higher political affiliation. These factors may contribute to their likelihood of engaging in this behavior, and they may also increase the probability that they will engage in other forms of prejudice. When the media and popular culture encourage victim blaming, it can have negative impacts on society. It can undermine the importance of respect and dignity for all, as well as erode our shared humanity (Grubb and Henrichs Citation2008). It is important to note that victim blaming also leads to the disproportionately high rates of sexual assault and domestic violence.

How to Understand Women

For the longest time, a woman’s definition was pretty uncontroversial: an adult human female with XX chromosomes. While this is a valid definition, it can’t capture the vast differences in female experiences. Women’s lives are more complex than ever before, and it’s important to recognize these nuances. In order to understand women, we must break down stereotypes and learn to listen to their stories.

Women have a lot to deal with, especially in our patriarchal culture. They are often subject to criticism, sexism, and prejudice, all of which can lead to a sense of low self-esteem and depression. This is why it’s crucial to understand how to support and empower women, no matter what their circumstances. This can be done by addressing the root causes of these issues and creating safe spaces for open communication with female friends.

One way to do this is by commending women’s accomplishments. By doing so, you show solidarity and inspiration, enhancing the confidence of women and their drive to succeed. This can be done by giving compliments, hosting a small party, or simply sending a sincere message of congratulations.

You can also begin to understand a woman by watching her actions, rather than listening to her words. By observing the ways she interacts with her family, friends, and coworkers, you can get a better idea of her personality and what motivates her. You may also be able to identify what she values most in her life, as well as her goals and dreams for the future.

It is also helpful to take a step back from the woman in your life and view her as an individual. In doing so, you may be able to find common ground. For example, you may discover that she is just as devoted to her family as you are or that she loves the same type of music as you do. This can help you develop a deeper bond and a more holistic understanding of her.

Finally, it is important to remember that sex is not the only way to define a woman’s character. In fact, it is possible to form bonds with women without even talking about sex at all. All it takes is mutual trust, respect, and understanding. With these things in place, a relationship can flourish without gender playing such an instrumental role in the development of closeness and connection.

The key to understanding women is to remain inquisitive and open-minded, and seek diverse perspectives through reading, articles, and conversations with female friends. By doing so, you will become more aware of the complexities of women’s lives and will be able to support them in their endeavors. Whether it be personal or professional, women are a powerful force in this world and deserve to be recognized for their contributions.

Women’s Rights and the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project

Women rights refer to women’s basic legal and human rights. These include the right to equality in access to resources and opportunities, such as income, education, employment, property, and public services. Women are also entitled to equal protection under the law against discrimination and violence. These rights apply both within the family and in society as a whole, including in international communities.

This equality is the first step toward a global community that respects all people and their dignity. Gender equality is fundamental to a world of peace and prosperity, and it must be achieved for the benefit of everyone.

Although women’s rights have improved greatly in recent years, they still face a range of challenges in every country. Across the world, women are less likely to have a say in economic and political decision-making, they earn lower wages than men, and they are more likely to experience domestic violence. Harmful patriarchal traditions, like child marriage and female genital mutilation, continue to deny girls an opportunity to pursue a bright future.

In order to address these issues, governments need to implement policies and initiatives to promote equality for all. This includes setting up political representation quotas, training women as leaders, and supporting women’s participation in trade unions and professional associations. Countries need to reform laws that restrict women’s property ownership and limit their mobility, as well as increase support for women’s enterprises.

Women also need more economic freedom, which requires the removal of barriers that prevent their full participation in society. This includes removing restrictions on working hours and improving access to financial services. It is also necessary to ensure that women’s health and safety are not compromised by laws that violate their rights. In the United States, for example, the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act allows victims to have their rape kits preserved and not charged, be provided with free medical care after a sexual assault, and have their sex change expenses covered.

The ACLU Women’s Rights Project uses litigation, advocacy, and outreach to challenge and reform institutions that discriminate against women. We focus our work on addressing discrimination in the areas of reproductive rights, workplace rights, and violence against women.

Our goal is a world where all women have the same rights as men, and they enjoy the same opportunities and benefits in life that come with being a part of a democratic society. Until that day arrives, we must stand up for the rights of women around the world. Together, we can build a better future for all.

Menjelajahi Kesempatan dalam Kolam Taruhan SGP

Togel Singapore yang sering disebut togel SGP telah menyjadi salah satu jenis permainan yang sangat diminati, baik itu dari kalangan masyarakat Indonesia maupun dari berbagai negara. Popularitas togel ini tidak hanya saja dikarena oleh keberadaannya yang yang memiliki sejarah yang panjang, tetapi juga karena oleh peluang yang ditawarkannya. Dengan sgp pools, para pemain sekarang memiliki kesempatan lebih besar dalam menjelajahi berbagai strategi serta analisis mendalam dalam meraih kevictori.

Di dalam dunia permainan togel, informasi merupakan hal penting. Banyak para pemain yang aktif rajin mencari data SGP, data pengeluaran SGP, serta keluaran terbaru SGP dalam rangka membantu para pemain di dalam membuat prediksi yang akurat untuk SGP yang akurat. Website togel SGP yang terpercaya terpercaya adalah sumber penting untuk para penjudi, menawarkan beragam layanan dari dari bandar togel secara online sampai informasi terkini tentang sgp prize. Dengan memahami seluruh aspek ini, para pemain bisa lebih siap serta percaya diri dalam menjelajahi mengeksplorasi kesempatan yang tersedia oleh SGP Pools.

Pendahuluan SGP Pools

Singapore Pools adalah salah satu platform bertop tier di Asia bagi permainan togel, terutama togel Singapura. Dikenal luas oleh para penggemar judi, platform ini menawarkan macam-macam permainan yang menantang dan menantang. Dengan legitimasi dan keamanan yang kuat, SGP Pools menjadi pilihan utama bagi banyak pemain yang mencari pengalaman bermain yang terbaik.

Dalam dunia togel, khususnya togel Singapura, pemain bisa merasakan macam-macam taruhan dan mendapatkan informasi terkini melalui data pengeluaran SGP dan keluaran SGP. Setiap kali hasil keluaran disajikan secara transparan dan dapat diakses oleh semua orang, memastikan bahwa semua proses berjalan secara adil. Data SGP yang lengkap juga mempermudah pemain dalam membuat prediksi yang akurat untuk taruhan mereka.

Di samping itu, SGP Pools tidak hanya memberikan peluang bagi para pemain dalam memenangkan SGP prize, tetapi juga membangun komunitas yang berkolaborasi informasi. Banyak agen togel Singapura dan situs togel online bermitra dengan SGP Pools dalam upaya menghadirkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih interaktif. Dengan banyaknya pilihan yang tersedia, para penggemar togel dapat menemukan cara yang tepat untuk menjelajahi peluang yang disediakan oleh platform ini.

Mekanisme Togel Singapore

SGP, yang sering disebut sebagai Togel Singapore, merupakan permainan judi yang populer di Singapura dan di antara penggemar togel di dunia. Dalam alur permainan ini, para pemain wajib memilih angka dari set angka yang tersedia. Setiap hari, pengeluaran SGP diadakan secara resmi oleh Singapore Pools, di mana angka-angka yang ditarik akan diumumkan sebagai hasil pengundian. Hasil ini juga dianggap pengeluaran SGP dan menjadi acuan bagi para pemain untuk menilai jika angka yang mereka pilih berhasil atau tidak berhasil.

Proses undian dalam togel SGP jelas dan diselenggarakan live oleh otoritas yang berwenang. Pemain bisa menonton acara tersebut secara live atau melalui website resmi togel Singapore. Setelah acara undian selesai, data SGP yang termasuk hasil keluaran dan pengumuman angka pemenang akan diperbarui dan tersedia di internet. Ini memberi kesempatan kepada pemain untuk mengecek hasil dengan mudah dan cepat, serta memelihara kepercayaan dalam sistem judi.

Prediksi keluaran SGP juga menjadi komponen penting dalam mekanisme togel ini. Banyak pemain memanfaatkan metode yang beragam dan analisis data SGP dari pengeluaran sebelumnya untuk meramalkan angka-angka yang kemungkinan besar akan keluar. Dengan memanfaatkan informasi yang tepat dan taktik yang efektif, para pemain dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka dalam mendapatkan SGP prize dan meraih labah dari permainan togel ini.

Strategi Estimasi SGP

Prediksi SGP adalah kunci bagi penggiat togel Singapore untuk menambah peluang para pemain meraih kemenangan. Menggunakan data hasil keluaran SGP yang lalu dapat memberikan memberi wawasan yang yang bermanfaat. Dengan menganalisis pola yang dari hasil keluaran SGP, peserta dapat berusaha menentukan angka-angka yang memiliki probabilitas besar agar keluar di sesi selanjutnya. Ini bisa terjadi melalui merekam angka yang sering sering muncul dan mempelajari frekuensi kehadiran setiap angka dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan.

Di samping itu, penggiat juga dapat menggunakan beragam metode analisis statistik untuk meningkatkan peramalan mereka. Cara misalnya evaluasi grafik atau penggunaan software yang khusus diperuntukkan khas bagi pemain togel dapat menolong dalam mengevaluasi data SGP. Dengan pendekatan pendekatan analitis yang, penggiat dapat menyaring informasi dan mengambil keputusan lebih terinformasi. Menjalankan simulasi berdasarkan data yang tersedia juga menyediakan langkah efektif dalam merumuskan angka yang akan ditentukan.

Akhirnya, mempertahankan sikap santai serta disiplin ketika bermain juga merupakan adalah elemen dari strategi prediksi yang. Jangan terbawa emosi ketika hasil tidak sesuai harapan. Masing-masing sesi togel adalah peluang baru, dan mengatur ekspektasi akan membantu membantu pengambilan keputusan yang lebih rasional. Dengan kombinasi analisis yang tepat dan mental yang tangguh, peserta dapat meneliti berbagai peluang dalam SGP Pools dengan lebih percaya diri.

Risiko dan Manfaat SGP Pools

Investasi dalam Kolam SGP, mirip dengan permainan lotere yang lain, membawa risiko yang tidak dapat dianggap sepele. Peserta harus memahami bahwa kemungkinan untuk berhasil tidak selalu tinggi, dan berbagai faktor yang dapat menentukan hasilnya. Berkat informasi dari pengeluaran SGP dan keluaran SGP yang tersedia, pemain sering kali berharap dapat meramal angka yang akan keluar, tetapi namun saja, nasib memainkan peran yang signifikan. Kadang-kadang pemain mengalami kerugian yang signifikan, maka krusial untuk menerapkan manajemen risiko yang baik.

Di sisi lain, ada juga manfaat yang bisa diperoleh dari SGP Pools. Jika seorang pemain dapat membuat prediksi yang akurat dan menggunakan data SGP dengan bijak, potensi keuntungannya bisa sungguh menguntungkan. toto sgp SGP Prize, misalnya, memberikan reward besar bagi orang-orang yang berhasil meramal angka dengan tepat. Hal ini menjadikan Kolam SGP menarik bagi sejumlah orang, yang menganggapnya sebagai kesempatan untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan dengan metode yang menghibur.

Namun, penting sekali untuk bermain dengan bijak dan jangan taruh lebih dari yang sanggup untuk hilang. SGP Pools bisa jadilah sumber hiburan yang menyenangkan dan bisa saja memberikan keuntungan, tetapi seharusnya dipandang sebagai bagian dari aktivitas yang bertanggung jawab. Melalui kesadaran yang tegas tentang bahaya dan keuntungannya, peserta dapat memperoleh pengalaman bermain togel Singapore dengan lebih baik.

Gender Equality is Not Just a Women’s Issue

Gender equality is not just a women’s issue, it’s a fundamental human rights issue and a crucial aspect of sustainable development and economic growth. It is also one of the most pressing challenges for reducing poverty and inequality around the world.

Gender inequality relates to a number of different dimensions of men and women’s lives: the relative size of the labor force, the relative pay gap between men and women, the extent to which they are able to participate in the economy and public life, their access to education and skills development, and the degree to which they are protected from violence at work, home and in society. Despite significant progress in many of these areas, there is still much to do.

The good news is that addressing gender inequality can have significant economic benefits. A growing body of research shows that reducing gender inequality can help foster household decision-making, improve firm/institution performance, and generate substantial macroeconomic benefits by boosting productivity and economic growth, strengthening macroeconomic and financial stability, and lowering income inequality (Kochhar and others, 2017; Sahay and others, 2020; Cihak and Sahay, 2020; Gonzales and others, 2015b).

However, it’s important to recognize that most initiatives to reduce gender inequality are not well targeted. They usually frame the problem as a problem with women and suggest that they need to be “fixed”—to change their behaviours, overcome their fear of failure, and remedy their mindsets. This approach is flawed in several ways. It underestimates the scale of the challenge; it assumes that gender inequality is driven by individual choices and motivations, when in fact it is deeply rooted in organizational systems and cultures; and it misses the fact that gender is inherently intersectional.

Furthermore, focusing on “fixing women” can reinforce the stereotypes and norms that are the root causes of structural gender inequality. It is more effective to identify and target the underlying systemic causes of inequality, which are less visible than individual-level choices, such as the level of risk taking or the tendency towards impostor syndrome.

Gender equality is possible only if we tackle the entrenched power structures that shape our world and make it difficult to move past inequalities. This requires a combination of policy interventions, and a willingness to take the time needed to achieve the desired results. In the meantime, let’s celebrate the progress that is being made and continue to push for greater equity.

How Do You React to Sexual Violence?

Sexual violence is any behaviour of a sexual nature that happens without a person’s consent. It’s a very serious crime and it doesn’t matter how long ago it happened, what was being done or whether someone was drunk or taking drugs – it’s never ok and it is not your fault. Everyone feels different after sexual violence, abuse or assault, but it can have a real impact on your feelings and wellbeing. You may have lots of different responses to sexual violence, including fear, anger and guilt.

People who have been sexually assaulted often feel like they’re no longer in control of their lives, especially when the trauma of the assault is re-experienced in their thoughts or dreams. This is called ‘flashbacks’ and it can be very distressing and scary. Many victims also start to avoid places, situations and/or people that remind them of the attack, which can make it difficult for them to live their lives.

Many people who have been sexually assaulted feel a sense of powerlessness after the incident and can experience difficulty with trusting other people. They may feel unable to talk about what has happened to anyone, which can lead to loneliness and depression.

The most common reaction of sexual assault victims is fear – of being hurt or killed, for example. Victims can have strong fear reactions (to certain sights, sounds, smells, emotions or thoughts) that can last for weeks, months or even years. They might also have problems concentrating or sleeping. They may avoid things that remind them of the attack – such as a particular place or activity – and can become very protective of their children, friends, partners or relatives.

Some people who are affected by sexual violence and/or rape have difficulties with relationships at home, school or work. This can affect their self-esteem and cause them to lose interest in sexual activities. It’s also very common for people who have been sexually assaulted to have a low libido and may not want to engage in any sexual relations with others.

There are a number of different factors that can influence sexual violence, for example the way in which a family punishes women but does not discipline men for their actions can make it more likely that a man will act violently toward his wife. Other influences can be laws and policies at a national level, attitudes towards gender stereotypes and social and cultural norms that lead to misogynist behaviour.

Sexual violence can affect people of all ages, backgrounds, cultures, religions and sexualities. It can happen to women, men and children and it can also affect people who are disabled, are elderly or are from minority communities such as those defined as LGBTQ+. People who are assigned female at birth can be particularly vulnerable to sexual violence, including ‘corrective rapes’ that aim to change a person’s gender-explicit behaviour to conform to the dominant male view of what is acceptable, and people who define themselves as transgender or non-binary can be targeted by individuals and organisations.

Victim Blaming

Victim blaming is a common but harmful response to the experience of traumatic events and abuse. When people blame victims, it makes them feel as if they have brought on the event themselves and may be less likely to report it to authorities for fear of being judged. This silences victims and can increase the risk of them experiencing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and even suicide.

Victim Blaming can come from anyone, at any time, and can be indirect or covert. The most common examples are when friends and family members of an abuser do not believe the perpetrator’s actions, and instead attempt to explain or justify their behaviour by blaming the victim. For example, saying “She must have done something to him”, or “He was just drunk, he didn’t know what he was doing”.

Alternatively, victim blaming can also happen when professionals offer ‘help’ to young people who are being bullied online or in other settings and unknowingly convey the message that they were responsible for their harm. This can include telling them to block and delete the bullying, or making suggestions that they should not respond to the threatening messages by ‘blocking them’ or reporting them. This can be a particularly challenging issue to address because it is sometimes unconsciously done by those who would like to support the young person in question.

It can be difficult to understand why people do this, but there are some key reasons behind it. One reason is that people want to believe that the world is fair, and if something bad happens to someone it must be their fault, this is known as the just-world phenomenon. Another reason is that people do not like to hear information that contradicts their view of a person, and so they will often reject this in favour of what they already believe.

Finally, victim blaming can also occur when people feel compelled to take action in the face of tragedy and do not consider the impact that their actions could have on others. For example, taking away a child or young person’s device or banning them from using an online platform or app may seem like the right thing to do, but this can have the effect of victim blaming, as it tells the victim that they have been the cause of the harm themselves and may reduce their motivation to report the crime.

Understanding why people do this can help us to identify and challenge victim blaming, both when we see it being done and when we are unconsciously guilty of doing it ourselves. In addition, it can help to identify helpful ways to support survivors and to dismantle harmful attitudes. If we can all become aware of the issues surrounding victim blaming then this will be an important step towards reducing the number of victims of sexual violence and other forms of abuse.

What Does it Mean to Be a Woman?

Women are a fascinating group. They are the backbone of our society and yet the most misunderstood. They are a force to be reckoned with in the business world, and they bring a unique quality to the family unit. They have a very different perspective on life, and they are generally more sensitive to others. This is what makes them so attractive to men and can also be a source of conflict and disagreements.

It seems as though every generation must redefine what it means to be a woman. And the new definitions seem to be getting more and more complicated. For example, the latest one from Cambridge University states that a “woman” is someone who had the opposite sex at birth—that’s right, a man. This is a ridiculous definition that renders the word meaningless.

There are many reasons why people have a hard time grasping the concept of a woman. For starters, our culture puts a lot of pressure on women to be attractive and to fit into certain social norms. This is especially true for young girls. As a result, women often feel insecure about their bodies and are plagued with self-hatred thoughts. This can also lead to a lack of confidence in the work place, as well as problems with relationships.

Another factor that contributes to the confusion around what it means to be a woman is the fact that many people have no idea of the struggles that women face on a daily basis. For instance, they are disproportionately targeted for infanticide by the most popular global religions and are subjected to consideration that ranges from that of an ox to that of a treasured grand piano. They are socially marginalized, locked out of employment opportunities for gender-based reasons, excluded from housing, aggressed against because of their perceived transgressions, sold for sex for sustenance, and murdered for asserting their rights to exist.

What is more, women are the only creatures on earth that cry on command. This makes them easy to manipulate, especially by those in power. We have all seen it happen in schools, on trains, and even in traffic court, when a girl cries and causes the person in charge to panic and let her off the hook.

There are other difficulties too, of course. For example, many girls suffer from body image issues and have a difficult time setting boundaries with other people in their lives. They are taught from a very young age to be passive and empathetic, so they tend not to have strong voices or take risks in life. In fact, a woman who gets angry is often called a bitch or a dyke.

Despite these difficulties, it is important to remember that being a woman has its advantages. For example, if you are female, you will always have some baseline value to society when it comes to your reproductive system. And if you are past the childbearing age, you will always have a fallback role as a capable surrogate parent. And in this day and age, that’s not a bad thing.

Women’s Rights and the New Administration

Women represent half of the world’s population and, as such, they have the potential to unlock its full human potential. Only when they have access to their own rights – from equal pay and property ownership to freedom from violence, maternal health, and education – will societies be transformed. Those are the goals of Goal 5, to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” which is a stand-alone, explicit, global target within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

This year, the 68th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meets in New York City to take stock and set new priorities to advance the goals of Goal 5. Among other things, it should focus on how governments can remove laws that discriminate against women, including laws that restrict their economic participation. In the richest countries, for example, women earn only 77 cents for every dollar that men earn. Closing this gap would boost global GDP by over 20%.

But the progress made over decades has been uneven. While a record 143 countries now have gender-neutral laws in their constitutions, stark gaps persist in the labor market and in politics. Women remain underrepresented in parliaments. And sex-discriminatory laws, such as the ones that stipulate women must obey their husbands or male guardians, keep them in poverty and make them vulnerable to domestic abuse.

These laws also limit women’s rights to their own incomes, assets and inheritance. In 77 countries, for example, wives and daughters cannot inherit equally or at all. The sex-based discrimination in family law and property rights keeps women from accessing their full potential to build wealth, invest in themselves, and contribute to society and economies.

Those who believe in the value of women’s rights are fighting back against this rollback. In the United States, activists have successfully pushed back against anti-abortion laws, and fought for the right to vote in the state of Texas, which was recently passed by the legislature. But we must do more to prevent these victories from being erased by the policies of the new administration, both at the federal and state levels.

As CSW prepares to meet this year, we must demand that government agencies, private companies, and faith-based organizations work together in a virtuous partnership with civil society to protect the rights of women globally. This includes the right to a safe abortion and access to medical care for all.

Twenty years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, it is high time to take steps toward realizing the vision of an equal world in which women’s rights are guaranteed and respected for all. Only then will we see a truly global partnership and prosperity.