What Does it Mean to Be a Woman?
Women are a fascinating group. They are the backbone of our society and yet the most misunderstood. They are a force to be reckoned with in the business world, and they bring a unique quality to the family unit. They have a very different perspective on life, and they are generally more sensitive to others. This is what makes them so attractive to men and can also be a source of conflict and disagreements.
It seems as though every generation must redefine what it means to be a woman. And the new definitions seem to be getting more and more complicated. For example, the latest one from Cambridge University states that a “woman” is someone who had the opposite sex at birth—that’s right, a man. This is a ridiculous definition that renders the word meaningless.
There are many reasons why people have a hard time grasping the concept of a woman. For starters, our culture puts a lot of pressure on women to be attractive and to fit into certain social norms. This is especially true for young girls. As a result, women often feel insecure about their bodies and are plagued with self-hatred thoughts. This can also lead to a lack of confidence in the work place, as well as problems with relationships.
Another factor that contributes to the confusion around what it means to be a woman is the fact that many people have no idea of the struggles that women face on a daily basis. For instance, they are disproportionately targeted for infanticide by the most popular global religions and are subjected to consideration that ranges from that of an ox to that of a treasured grand piano. They are socially marginalized, locked out of employment opportunities for gender-based reasons, excluded from housing, aggressed against because of their perceived transgressions, sold for sex for sustenance, and murdered for asserting their rights to exist.
What is more, women are the only creatures on earth that cry on command. This makes them easy to manipulate, especially by those in power. We have all seen it happen in schools, on trains, and even in traffic court, when a girl cries and causes the person in charge to panic and let her off the hook.
There are other difficulties too, of course. For example, many girls suffer from body image issues and have a difficult time setting boundaries with other people in their lives. They are taught from a very young age to be passive and empathetic, so they tend not to have strong voices or take risks in life. In fact, a woman who gets angry is often called a bitch or a dyke.
Despite these difficulties, it is important to remember that being a woman has its advantages. For example, if you are female, you will always have some baseline value to society when it comes to your reproductive system. And if you are past the childbearing age, you will always have a fallback role as a capable surrogate parent. And in this day and age, that’s not a bad thing.